Digestive RP is a total tract equine gut supplement, designed to meet the needs of high performance sport horses and racehorses. Digestive RP provides increased support for your horse's gut health and essential digestive and immune functions, with extra postbiotics and enzymes to enhance digestion efficacy, and additional amino acids for additional muscle repair and gut support.
This premium equine gut health product offers the benefits of:
Red Marine Algae
Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Yeast Fermentation Prebiotic and Postbiotic
Magnesium Hydroxide
Lucerne Leaf Meal
Magnesium Oxide
Carbohydrase Digestive Enzymes
Phytase Digestive Enzymes
Threonine, Glutamine, Proline, Serine and Leucine Amino Acids
Elitox® Mycotoxin Binder.